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This is my last Principal's Report for the newsletter. I reflect on the last eight years and what a ride it has been. Glen Huon has changed over this time. When I arrived there was some self thinking about the choice I was making. As it turned out it was the best choice ever. I have truly loved my time at Glen Huon. In the early days I was so strongly supported by Denise Foggo a master of working out a way of getting what she needed to make the school grow. She led us through the KidsMatter initiative. Glen Huon became a nationally accredited school one of only four in the state. This was the process that brought change to the culture of the school. Alongside this initiative we introduced a Positive Behaviour Support approach to behaviour management and the Glen Huon Grinner came to be. The focus was on positive behaviours and building relationships across the school. I would be very rich I think even if I got 50 cents for every milkshake I have made and I do believe they are the best or so I have been told.
School infrastructure has been a bug bear over this time with sewerage systems failing and potable water systems failing. Over the eight years both systems have been completely upgraded and hopefully the incoming Principal won't have to divert quality time to these systems. The admin area also underwent a redevelopment and this has made a significant difference to the functionality of the area. This redevelopment also created a staff-room in which we could fit. The staff-room is a hub of the school and functions much like the country house kitchen space would work.
The outside entrance to the school has been enhanced and the walled seating has become a place of gathering and reflection. I have loved watching the social interactions taking place in this area from my office window. It is hard to believe that this space was a muddy path and bank not so long ago. It is unique to Glen Huon that children cry when it is time to go home as they want to stay and play for much longer.
Glen Huon grew and as a result we had enough students to create competitive houses for our sporting events. Teal and Maroon were born and then morphed into Tahune and Mannena. I remember the first athletics carnival in which the houses competed, at the end of the carnival a Grade 6 student declared that it was the best carnival ever! He was so excited about the house competition. The wooden trophies for our school carnivals hand proudly in the foyer.
Over the years I have continually applied for building upgrades to occur at Glen Huon and finally succeeded with the new Kinder build. It has been very exciting to see the Kinder grow. It is designed as the apple shed out the back as is seen all through the Huon valley. I hope that many great futures grow from our apple shed.
2019 and 2020 both provided some amazing challenges. The bush fires in 2019 meant that we set up our school at Huonville the logistics and planning required were unique and yet on the first day we had 95% attendance. Our students love to be at school and part of the learning community. The staff were amazing and had planned real learning opportunities not just time fillers from the beginning. Department officials who visited were extremely impressed with how well the students and teachers had settled. 2020 brought with it a global pandemic. Our staff and students created history moving from school to offsite learning and then transitioning back to onsite learning. This was a huge social experiment and it seems the strength of our community enabled students to participate in learning and be supported both at home and at school.
So thank you all for helping me along the journey. I really appreciate the way in which the community has worked together and helped make Glen Huon what it is today. I know Glen Huon is in a great place. When I was interviewed for the job at Glen Huon they asked me where I would see the school in 5 years time. I said I saw it as a light house school in which others came to see best practice and in so many ways the school has become that.
Take care and have a great break ready for a fresh start to 2021.
1st - Voucher Hobart Mobile Car Detailing - Kevin Hay
2nd - Huon Aquaculture voucher - Mikayla McNaught
3rd - 10 Bales of hay - Bronwyn Turnbull
Prize packs that consist of a mix from all the donations.
4th - Rebecca Dewhurst
5th - Patrick Dewhurst
6th - Nicki Donnally
7th - Toni Hay
8th - Lyndon Cook
9th - Mel Lowe
10th - Finn Dransfield
11th - Carl Ashlin
12th - Eleanor Dransfield
13th - Tracey Turnbull
We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous donations and we would also like to thank everyone for their support by buying tickets.
A total of $638 has been raised for the playground.
Sponsors were:
The Beansmith
Little Jack Designs
Godess Natural Perfumes
Three Bear Mountain
Arianne Crowe
Abbey Doyle
Anthony Loberto
Lyn Rootes
Bec Triffitt
Katherine Dewhurst
Laura Corbett
The Lotion Bar
Carrone Christie
Kobi Goodwin
Hobart Mobile Detailing
Ady Steenholdt
We know that birds hatch from eggs, but we can also make the birds out of the eggshell pieces.
“Making birds from an egg” (inspired from nrich mathematics)