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Reports and Parent-Teacher Meetings
Prep to Grade 6 teachers are currently writing mid-year reports. These reports will be coming home in the first week of Term 3. A booking sheet for Parent-Teacher meetings in the second week of Term 3 will be coming home with all students this week. These meetings are extremely valuable and important opportunities to meet and talk about how your child is progressing. We strongly encourage all families to attend these meetings. Please also contact your child’s teacher if the available times or dates do not suit you and we will endeavour to come up with an alternative meeting time.
Correction: For families in 2/3 Munro and 4/5 Munson, please note that the Parent-Teacher Interview booking sheet should have had the dates July 26-30th, not June. Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
Library Borrowing Changes
Beginning from Term 3 students will be able to borrow 3 books at one time from our school library. This does not mean that students MUST borrow 3 books, but the option is there if they wish to. As 3 books will take up more space in bags and we don’t want books getting damaged, 3 books will only be able to be borrowed if there is also a library bag provided for these books to go into. Having a book bag is also a great idea as it can be hung over a door handle, hook or bed end at home, providing a safe place for books to live whilst at home, therefore reducing the chances of them getting lost or misplaced.
We are conscious that with greater borrowing capabilities there is also the risk that more books will go missing. For this reason, the borrowing of 3 books will be on a trial basis to start off with and then reassessed towards the end of the year. Hopefully everyone continues to take great care of our books and we can continue lending 3 per week. That said, we also understand that from time to time books just seem to mysteriously disappear. If this occurs, we ask that you contact the school so that we can have a friendly chat about how we might fix the situation.
Song Room Assembly
A reminder that our special Song Room sharing assembly is coming up at 2:00 on Tuesday 29th June. This is no doubt going to be a lot of fun with each class sharing an item which they have been learning with Isaac.
Please contact the office if you are intending to attend so that we can arrange appropriate seating.
As NAIDOC week falls during the July school holidays, we will be undertaking various learning opportunities and activities over the course of next week including a smoking ceremony, welcome to country, special flag raising ceremony and more. The Theme for this year is Heal Country and in the spirit of this each class will have the opportunity to plant some pigface (Kunnigong) on the bank above the courts which is an area where the land is indeed in need of some healing. We have also registered to participate in School Tree Day at the end of July and will be planting additional shrubs around the school as part of this.
Student Free Day
A reminder that Monday 19th July is a Student Free Day. All our staff will be undertaking professional learning with the Huon Cluster of Schools on the second module of the Berry Street Education Model.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Each quarter Bunnings do a draw and allocate community groups a spot for running the sausage sizzle. The Parents & Friends have been successful in getting a spot on Saturday 10th July and we are now looking for volunteers to help on the day.
If you are able to do a 2 hour time slot, or know someone who can, please contact Laura on 0437 177 507 or email
Fundraising Goal
Our Goal this year is to raise $5000 for the playground. We are tracking well, but we still have a way to go. Thank you to all those that have supported the P&F.
Laura Corbett
Rob is organising a 'Working Bee' for the first 3 days of the School Holidays, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The tasks planned won't take 3 days but it gives more options to complete.
- Painting some play equipment (weather permitting).
- Distributing woodchips to various areas as mulch.
- building 3 small retainer walls near the new Kinder building, (priority).
If you are able to assist please contact the office.
Any contribution of your time will be greatly appreciated.
June 21-27th is World Continence Awareness Week
- Children usually develop the ability to be toilet trained about 3 years of age. If children aged 4 years and over are unable to be toilet trained or experience regular incontinence, advice from a health professional is recommended.
Types of incontinence in children
- Daytime Wetting- the loss of bladder control during the day, usually caused because the bladder is not working properly. It is NOT caused by attention-seeking, naughtiness or laziness.
- Bedwetting- this happens when the bladder involuntarily empties during the night. Most children will be dry at night by school age. Some children may experience accidents until 7 or 8 years.
- It is important to seek professional help for bedwetting if:
- your child starts wetting at night after being dry
- the wetting is frequent after school age
- the wetting bothers the child or makes them upset
- the child wants to become dry.
- Soiling-is when the bowels are emptied in places other than the toilet. It usually happens because the large bowel in not emptying properly and the child is constipated.
Please contact me through the office or your child’s teacher if you would like any further information or advice/ contact your GP or look at for tips for parents and carers.