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Newsletter Engagement
During Term 3 we are going to be sending home paper copies of the newsletter with each family. This is happening because we have had a lot of feedback to suggest that people are forgetting to access the digital version and are therefore missing important information and messages. It also gives our students and opportunity to read and look at the newsletter more easily too. The digital version will still be available and PDF's can be viewed clearer on this. We will review this and seek further feedback later in the Term.
Improvements around the school
There have been a few improvements happening in our school grounds over the past few weeks. During the holidays Rob, Dan and Martin put in a fantastic new path between the new kinder fence and the oval. A HUGE thank you to Dan and Martin for volunteering your time. Some of our Grade 6 girls took great delight in strutting proudly along our new path when I asked them to help me take a photo for the newsletter.
Over the weekend we also had some artificial turf installed in the picnic area under the trees at entrance to the school. This patch of ground seemed to endlessly need re sowing, fencing off, watering and even with all this, it was constantly being returned to bare ground. We now have a great spot for sitting and eating lunch or just hanging out at recess and lunch times.
School Tree Day
School Tree Day is coming up this Friday July 30. At some stage over the course of this week we will have a delivery of 100 native shrub tube-stock. Each class will be given a number of plants to put into our gardens throughout the day. These are quite young plants and so each class will be responsible for watering and looking after these plants.
On Friday it would be helpful if students could bring along trowels and also 2L soft drink or milk bottles which we can trim the tops and bottoms off to make protective casings for the plants. Please do NOT go out and buy these times; only bring them along if you have them at home already.
School Association Meeting including Special General Meeting
A reminder again that our next School Association Meeting will be taking place on Wednesday 4th August at 6pm in the staffroom.
All parents are welcome to attend.
Please note that the meeting will begin with a Special General Meeting for the purpose of electing a new Chairperson. This is required as our current Chairperson, Kobi Goodwin, is no longer able to continue in this position as she is working as a Teacher Assistant in our school and the Chairperson cannot be a member of staff. Nominations for this position (and any other subsequent vacancies) will be taken at the meeting.
Tuesday Morning Library Helpers
We are still calling for a few more volunteers to help with book covering for the new Guided Reading books we have ordered for our school Library.
If you happen to have some free time every now and then on a Tuesday morning from 9:00-11:00 we would absolutely love some help.
Miss Kate Harvey is keen to train a few people up on the ‘art’ of book covering and Mrs Lees will provide morning tea.
Please let the office know if you are available to help and then we will look at setting some dates.
We would like to invite parents and grandparents to our morning celebrations on Tuesday 24th August for Book Week. This year’s theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.’
The staff at Glen Huon decided it would be lots of fun to dress up as Roald Dahl Characters. I wonder if you can pick which characters each staff member is going to be? Have fun creating a character from your child’s favourite book. You may choose any character from a book of your choice or you may like to join the staff with the Roald Dahl theme. We can’t wait to see all the wonderful book characters appearing at school ready for the book parade.
Parade will commence at 9:00am
If you would like to join us please RSVP to the office by Monday 23rd August.
COVID restrictions and QR code still apply and physical distance must be maintained.
Spriggy Schools Canteen Orders
Parents can now place your canteen orders online with Spriggy Schools
We are excited to announce the introduction of a new online lunch ordering system.
Spriggy Schools will make lunch orders more convenient for both families and the canteen.
Steps to get started:
- Go to to register and download the app.
- Add a profile for each of your children, making sure you select Glen Huon Primary School and your child’s class.
- Start placing lunch orders!.
If you have any questions, please contact Spriggy Schools via their website.
Please note the following:
- You must put money on your account prior to confirming an order
- Order cut off time is 10am Wednesday. This is set in the app and after 10am your order will be for the next week and will get missed.
- There is a charge of 30 cents per child per order. This is added to your order total. That is a fee from Spriggy.
Thank you for your support.
Volunteers needed!
We know your time is valuable, but we need more volunteers to help keep the canteen running.
You can do a full day 9-2pm or half a day 9-1130am / 1130-2pm. It’s not hard work, preparing the meals and serving at the counter or supervising older students while they serve. It’s a great way to be involved in the school and get to know students, staff and other parents.
If we don’t get more volunteers the canteen might not be able to run as we have had a number of parents stop helping for various reasons.
You do need your working with vulnerable people card (WWVP) and also your food handling certificate, both of which you can obtain online.
Please contact Laura Corbett for more information.
Glen Huon Staff are Always Learning
In today’s changing world, many primary school students encounter daily challenges that can impact their success at school. Despite best efforts and intentions, schools often require specialised strategies to address student needs for healing, growth, and achievement. Currently the staff at Glen Huon Primary are undertaking professional development that will enable teachers to increase the engagement of students, as well as help improve students’ self-regulation, relationships, wellbeing, growth and academic achievement.
This term we are focusing on Relationships. Human beings are hardwired for connection. We depend on connections with other to grow, develop and maintain our wellbeing. Our staff goal for this term is to generate a collective sense of student belonging within the school through building relationships and connections with our students. Supportive, clear bonds with teachers and school staff provide a student with the emotional safety to achieve success.
If you are reading this, ask your child to think of something they would like to tell me about themselves so I can get to know them better. Perhaps their favourite food or colour, something they like to do on the weekend or something that they are good at. Then they can come and tell me when they see me at school. I would love to get to know the children better and help foster that sense of belonging at school.
Ms Sarah Webb
AST/Learning Support