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Our weather is very changeable at the moment hot to cold. However, the UV rating is remaining at 4 or above. This means sun protection is required from approx. 9.30 until 2.30. This period will grow as summer approaches. Hats need to be worn during this time.
It is not the heat of the sun that causes concern but the UV rating. Please talk to you child about this as some children are of the belief they don’t need a hat because it is cloudy at times. This is from the Cancer council website.
“Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the invisible killer that you can't see or feel. UV radiation can be high even on cool and overcast days. This means you can't rely on clear skies or high temperatures to determine when you need to protect yourself from the sun.”
This is timely advice for our upcoming term break. Enjoy the outdoors safely.
It would be appreciated if parents could check their child's school uniform and hats to see if they are labeled with the correct name.
Some children tend to grab the closest item of clothing without checking to see if it has their name on it, resulting in a lot of disappearances of other children's uniform - especially hats.
Ham $2
Cheese $2
Ham & cheese $2.50
Cheese & tomato $2.50
Ham, cheese & tomato $3.00
Avocado, bacon & chicken
sandwich $4
Chicken wrap $4.50
Apple crumble & Icecream $4
Orders need to be at the school office by 9am Wednesday morning.
Last week the Preps joined with our Grade 1/2 neighbours in a structured inquiry session. The five different areas of inquiry were:
Table 1 – Water Investigation
Guiding question: If I am really thirsty which container would I chose to drink from?
Table 2 – Vet dramatic play
Guiding question: How does vet Kerry help people to care for their sick animals?
Table 3 – Construction
Guiding Question: Can you build a house to save one of the little pigs from the big bad wolf’s huffs and puffs?
Table 4 – Book Investigations (Who sank the boat)
Guiding questions: how many animals can you fit on your boat before it sinks?
Table 5 – 3D Playdough Shapes
Guiding question: Can you create some 3d shapes?
Students were able to choose their preferred activity and settled quickly into their investigative task. They worked together and separately exploring the focus question and using the materials provided.
The experience of working on inquiry with another class was very successful and we now hope to extend the experience to include our Kindergarten students next term.
Gen Dorian
SUNDAY 6th October
Bruny Island Quarantine Station 11 am to 3 pm
The fourth annual science fun day is on again at Tasmania’s historic Quarantine Station!
Lots of great activities, excellent science exhibits to see, scientists to chat with, picnic facilities available and great prizes to be won!
Come along and join in the fun on our beautiful state reserve. Bring your friends and family and perhaps a picnic lunch.
Kindly sponsored by Inspiring Australia, the Federal Government, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Wildcare: Friends of Bruny Island Quarantine Station, and a host of local supporters.
How to get there: We are located at 816 Killora Road, North Bruny. Take the ferry from Kettering and turn left towards Barnes Bay, North Bruny. We are 20 minutes drive from the ferry terminal.
Rob Banfield