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What a fantastic start to the new year. As I have visited classrooms around the school I have seen an amazing focus on work and learning. The teachers and teacher assistants worked hard before the school year to have the classrooms looking great for a fresh start. Rob faced challenging weather that kept changing his plans for the outside but had the place looking great on the outside in time. Sharon our cleaner also had scrubbed and rubbed so that things were shiny and clean. What a great team effort!
Day one started with students arriving with bright smiles and an enthusiasm for the year ahead. I especially wish to welcome our new families to the school. We have 20 new families who have started this year. This is amazing.
Meet the Teacher
On Thursday the 20th of February between 3.00 and 3.45 there will be an opportunity for parents and carers to come along and visit their child's classroom and have an informal chat with the teachers about their programs. This is an opportunity for you to ask any general questions in relation to the educational program. There will be a light afternoon tea available for parent and carers. If you intend on coming can you please let the office know so we can have some idea of numbers for catering this would be a great help.
Parent Handbook
A parent handbook will come home today to all new families. This is the A-Z of Glen Huon. If other parents want a copy of the book please contact the office so that we can print one for you.
Carpark and Bus Parking
Our carpark is very busy. There is a lot of coming and going. The bus company have contacted me with concern about vehicles parking in such a manner that it restricts their access to the carpark and to their drop off and pick up point. Please keep the entrance to the carpark clear - if parking occurs close to the entrance the bus can't turn in. Rob will soon be refreshing the yellow lines as they have faded. (If you can help with this task please let the office know.) Please leave the bus pick up and drop off area in front of the bus shelter clear at all times. If you are dropping your child off in this space stay in the car give them a hug and a kiss and move on quickly. Buses arrive throughout the day if we have excursions or visitors. This area is also marked with a yellow line.
Drink Bottles
We encourage all students to bring a drink bottle full of water to school every day. These can be re-filled at our drinking fountains or taps. Please name these bottles so we can return them quickly to the rightful owner if it has been misplaced. A word of caution we have had two glass drink bottles drop and smash so please provide an alternative to glass.
Newsletter Subscription
If you wish to receive notification of the publication of our newsletter you can subscribe online. To do this go to our website, and follow the parents and carers link, click on the Newsletter link then DIY Newsletter there is a subscribe button at the top of the page for you to click on.
Woodwind Program
It is with great excitement that we are restarting our woodwind music option for Grade 5-6 students this year. Emma Gregory is our teacher for this option. She will be at Glen Huon on Thursday afternoons. We have been made aware that some of the Glen Huon instruments are still with families who previously participated in this program. Please have a hunt around for these instruments if you think this is you and send them along to school so as to enable the next lot of talented musicians access to instruments.
Duty of Care
Teachers are on duty from 8:30am before school and until 3:30pm at the end of the day. Should exceptional circumstances require your child to be at school outside these hours, please discuss this with the Principal.
Things are getting busy!! We have played maths games, organised our school fitness groups, nominated people for school leadership positions, arranged our leavers shirts early and started learning about the Australian Government and the science behind bushfires . A hot topic in the classroom at the moment is our upcoming camp. Notes have gone out with permissions and payment due back to the school office as soon as possible. We were excited to welcome 5 new students to the school and have enjoyed getting to know them. Here are some happy snaps of our first days. We’re looking forward to a great year ahead.
Fissure Sealant and Fluoride Varnish Program
The Fissure Sealant and Fluoride Varnish forms need to be returned to school by 19th February.
Please ensure that your fill out the form completely and sign and date it.
Welcome back everyone
Over the holidays my family and I played lots of games, cards are so easy to take camping.
You might like to solve this conundrum for me, is it best to go first or second when you start this new game?
The scene:
My son and I placed 10 playing cards in a row
“You can use any cards from the pack. It’s easier to spread them out a bit more”
The first player was allowed to turn over any single card they selected. Then the other player could turn over a single card of choice OR two adjoining cards. Then the first player could either turn over a single or two adjoining cards. Continue these options for each player until one or two adjoining cards are left.
The player to turn over the last card wins.
I wonder would the first or second player win?
…and which card is best to turn over at the start to make sure they do win?
Have a trial at home, and come and challenge me
Stephanie van der Schans
AST Glen Huon Primary
Any children wishing to do drama this year please meet with me in the school hall this Thursday (13th) at lunch time. 1.10pm.
Grade 2 and upward, with the understanding that this is a big commitment from all of us and you would know better than me if your child can handle it, but... it is well worth the experience. The invitation is extended to home schooled, highschool and other school children if well (who will need to phone me as Thursday won't be a good time for you. Hopefully I'll see you Thursday.
Cheryle Page
Please direct any enquiries to me, not the school office. Thank you.