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We have had news that our canteen lessee's are not continuing this year. Our canteen has operated in the past through volunteer help with the proceeds going towards the school. Last year due to the unavailability of volunteers it was decided to lease the canteen in order for it to operate one day a week. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in either volunteering or leasing the canteen please contact the office. It would be great to see it operating as the children love to buy their lunch occasionally.
Parent Meet and Greet
Thank you to the families who came to meet their child's teacher and visit their classrooms, this was the most successful meet and greet we have had as there were 22 families who visited for the afternoon.
Swimming Carnival
The Glen Huon Primary Swimming Carnival is getting closer it is on the 5th of March. Time to check up on bathers and swimming caps. Swimming caps are available at the office for $2.00. Please ensure your major consent forms and aquatic activity forms are returned to school. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours, Tahune is teal and Mannena is Maroon.
Pictures from our Grade 3 and Kinder
Validation Forms and ICT Acceptable Use Agreement
There are still quite a few parents whom have not returned Validation Forms. It would be appreciated if they could be returned as soon as possible. These forms are required by the Education Department. Please make sure all information is correct, updated, signed and dated, especially the permission listing.
Fissure Sealant and Fluoride Varnish Program
Grades 1, 2, 6, Prep and Kinder recently received Dental Forms, these forms needed to be returned to school last Wednesday 19th February. There are still a lot of forms that have not been returned. Please return forms now.
Major Excursion Consent and Medical Information Form/Annual Consent Form for Aquatic Activities
Major Excursion Consent and Aquatic Activities Forms need to be returned to school as soon as possible. These forms need to be returned before our Swimming Carnival on Thursday 5th March for processing not on the day of the Swimming Carnival.
Thank you to all those parents who have already returned their forms.
Grade Three have been looking at the operational relationship between subtraction and addition!!!
We could use words to explain it
We could read it out to you
We could sing and dance to name it
Or just do the switcharoo